Cafesjian Center for the Arts   »   Education   »   In Between family educational program

In Between family educational program

January 18, 2025
In Between family educational program is based on Gayane Avetissian’s Project, Mejtegh. 

This educational program is a unique experience that bridges the inner worlds of the artist and visitors about art, identity, and place.

The goal of the program is to introduce families to the artist’s studio environment, encouraging participants to discover their creativity and express themselves through art.

The program aims to bring together Family Members of the Cafesjian Center for the Arts by establishing a tradition of discussing educational programs together with the Center’s members. The program will also give participants an opportunity to create their own works, engage with the artist, and be inspired by her creations.

The educational program is designed for CCA Family Membership holders with children aged 8+.

For further information and registration, please call (+374) 10 54-19-32/34.

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    For more information please call: +37410 541932/34.
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Admission and Hours

Cafesjian Sculpture Garden: always open.
Escalator Gallery: everyday, 8:00-20:00.
Exhibition Galleries, Museum Store and Visitor Center: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10:00-20:00.
The Center is closed on state holidays.

From April 1 until October 31, CCA Museum Store, besides Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, will also be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 10:00am till 6:00pm.
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