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Contested Histories: 3-rd Floor

June 16, 2017
The Cafesjian Center for the Arts commences a new project Spring Lecture series, as part of which presents Contested Histories, lectures, featuring the 3-rd Floor artistic movement in its origin, development and division, also reflecting on its consequences and further artistic developments. The lectures will expose a ten-year period of the Armenian contemporary art from 1985 through 1996.

The lectures will be moderated by one of the seminal figures of the movement, art critic Nazareth Karoyan.

June 16, 2017
18:00, Special Events Auditorium

The last lecture, which will also include a panel dicuassion, will be dedicated to the post-3-rd-Floor period, when new artistic groups and discourses emerged in contest and against the 3-rd Floor movement. Artists from the 3-rd Floor movement as well as art historians and critics will take part in the speaking panel.

Free Admission

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