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Design Your Plate Educational Program

November 08, 2014
The Cafesjian Center for the Arts (CCA) with the sponsorship of Beeline launches a new educational program, Design Your Plate, based on the exhibition Yerevan Collectors’ Choice 2. Ruben Angaladyan. Letters in Plates.

During the tour of the exhibition at the Sasuntsi Davit Garden Gallery participants will get acquainted with the presented works from Ruben Angaladian’s extensive collection. Next, participants will watch a presentation on the history and development of plates at the Creative Hall of the Center, after which handouts, Design Your Plate, are distributed. At the end, children will create their plates with provided paper and buttons.

The program is designed for schools and families (children 5+). 

Participation in the program is free, with prior reservation. For more information please call: +37410 541932/34.

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Admission and Hours

Cafesjian Sculpture Garden: always open.
Escalator Gallery: everyday, 8:00-20:00.
Exhibition Galleries, Museum Store and Visitor Center: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10:00-20:00.
The Center is closed on state holidays.

From April 1 until October 31, CCA Museum Store, besides Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, will also be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 10:00am till 6:00pm.