Cafesjian Center for the Arts   »   News   »   From September 6-15 the Admission to the Pop Connection Exhibition will be Free of Charge

From September 6-15 the Admission to the Pop Connection Exhibition will be Free of Charge

September 05, 2013
The Cafesjian Center for the Arts (CCA) announces the closure of the exhibition Pop Connection: A Selection from the Gerard L Cafesjian Collection on September 16, 2013. From September 6-15 the admission to the exhibition in CCA Sasuntsi Davit Garden Gallery will be free of charge.

The exhibition Pop Connection: A Selection from the Gerard L Cafesjian Collection opened in the Cafesjian Center for the Arts on May 18, 2013 as part of the International Museum Day and Museum Night events. 

The exhibition presents the works of the first generation of Pop artists who contributed to the development of Pop Art and its establishment as a major force in contemporary art — including Americans Tom Wesselmann, James Rosenquist, Jim Dine, Robert Indiana, Larry Rivers, and Ronald Kitaj Brooks, as well as British Allen Johnes. Pop Art was a reflection of a growing industrial and commercialized society, which mirrored the American consumerist culture in a symbolic structure of images and signs, offering a new artistic vision of American life. The exhibition provides an insight to the iconography of Pop Art, offering an elucidative presentation of its main characteristics.

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