Cafesjian Center for the Arts   »   News   »   The Cafesjian Center for the Arts Announces the Closure of Two Exhibitions

The Cafesjian Center for the Arts Announces the Closure of Two Exhibitions

August 29, 2014
The Cafesjian Center for the Arts (CCA) announces the closure of Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Regentag and Transforming Reality: Italian Design Innovation and Fantasy exhibitions on September 7. The admission to the exhibitions in CCA’s Eagle Gallery and Sasuntsi Davit Garden Gallery will be free of charge from September 2- 7.

The Regentag portfolio (Look at it on a Rainy Day) from the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection is one of Hundertwasser’s major works composed of ten silkscreen prints.  With their innovative and technically meticulous execution, the works on exhibit illustrate the artist’s distinctive style and pictographic language.  The title of the portfolio, Regentag, also stands as a metaphor for the artist’s work and character.

Transforming Reality: Italian Design Innovation and Fantasy exhibition in Eagle Gallery presents a selection of Italian decorative arts pieces from the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection, created by internationally renowned design studios and artists, such as Gaetano Pesce, Andrea Branzi, Piero Fornasetti and others.

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Admission and Hours

Cafesjian Sculpture Garden: always open.
Escalator Gallery: everyday, 8:00-20:00.
Exhibition Galleries, Museum Store and Visitor Center: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10:00-20:00.
The Center is closed on state holidays.

From April 1 until October 31, CCA Museum Store, besides Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, will also be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 10:00am till 6:00pm.