Cafesjian Center for the Arts   »   News   »   The Cafesjian Center for the Arts took part in the "European Heritage Day Stories" Initiative in 2023

The Cafesjian Center for the Arts took part in the "European Heritage Day Stories" Initiative in 2023

April 25, 2023
The Cafesjian Center for the Arts (CCA) took part in the "European Heritage Day Stories" initiative, which was launched in the context of "European Heritage Days" program.

The goal of the "European Heritage Day Stories" initiative is to encourage the participating organizations and individuals of the "European Heritage Days" program by collecting stories about their projects, initiatives, and activities. 

CCA's story for 2023 is titled "Lifting the Veil of Oblivion."

The article is available here.

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Admission and Hours

Cafesjian Sculpture Garden: always open.
Escalator Gallery: everyday, 8:00-20:00.
Exhibition Galleries, Museum Store and Visitor Center: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10:00-20:00.
The Center is closed on state holidays.

From April 1 until October 31, CCA Museum Store, besides Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, will also be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 10:00am till 6:00pm.